I’m on a mission to liberate as many career focused people as possible from hustle culture by teaching fun as a strategy for high level success.

“From the moment I made the investment, I have felt like a rocketship! And it has been easy, it has been effortless and the fear has been so quiet.”

Kerstie B.


Founder + Life Coach

Hi! I’m Kari and I’m so grateful you’re here! I’ve been on fire for empowering women to pursue their dreams and maximize their potential since I was a little girl on the soccer field chanting “confidence is key, girls!”  

I started my career journey at age 19 as a hairstylist because I LOVE connecting with all kinds of people and making others feel good about themselves. For the same reasons, I became a personal trainer a few years later. During the 2020 pandemic I retired as a stylist and took fitness coaching full time with my virtual company, “KAMfit Training.”

Over the next couple years I noticed that my clients’ transformations were always a result of the mindset work we did together, so I leaned into this strength and received my training at the Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) and became an ICF Certified Coach in 2022. 


Founder+ Life Coach

Guiding women to the answers they hold within and helping them use them to create a new reality is my true zone of genius and I LOVE every minute of it. 

Today I’m known as “The Fun Coach” because I help entrepreneurs and high achievers reach their goals faster by leveraging fun and fulfilling activities – the biggest WIN-WIN ever!! 

My mission is to use coaching, writing and speaking to liberate as many people as possible from hustle culture and bring them onto the fun side of success 😉 I hope YOU join us, too! 


Kari Esmail

Let’s Connect on Socials

The Spaces In Between

Hey Queen, Come here before you reach burnout.    I’ve always had a serious issue with burnout. Ever since I was a child balancing choir, soccer and cross country, I’ve pushed myself to the point of physical illness. The lymph nodes in my throat always swell...

Essential Information for Your First Trip to Thailand (no fluff, links included!)

Hey Queen! Normally this page is where I share stories or poems, but this time I’m going to share all the valuable information I collected on a recent, very magical, trip to Thailand. After sharing our adventures on social media, I received many questions about the...

A Push Through The Dark

Hey queen,  This story is for the free spirits who love a fresh start and a new adventure.  A Push Through the Dark I walked out of the building in tears before church even started.  The summer of 2024 was one of spiritual growth and internal transformation, which is...


Hey queen, This is your reminder of the profound power of presence. Lean back. Enjoy.   There is every reason under the sun To occupy your hands instead of gazing up at the stars To make every second count because that’s the only way to go far To now allow a day...


Hey queen, Allow this poem to awaken the sun of your soul: joy.    Imagine how the world would change if we awakened to joy A joy that holds it all Even the ugly, the painful, the absolute downfalls   Imagine a joy that’s not slipping in and out But one that...

Letting Go

Hey queen,  Come here when you're going through a growth and feel like nothing fits anymore. It’s normal, and it takes courage to transform. Don’t stop.    All of a sudden there’s so much letting go  So much releasing what I’ve always known  So much to feel and...


Hey queen,  Come here when you are craving an expansive experience and are talking yourself out of it. Whether it's taking a solo trip, spending the money on a new outfit, or finally letting yourself be heard… do it. Here’s why:     The woman you’re becoming is...

Glass Faces

Hey queen, This is a reminder that what we see online is not real. No one is perfect, and it’s okay to delete the apps and protect yourself from curated images that come at your self esteem with a knife. Comparison is a natural human reaction and the best cure is...

The Pain of Inaction

Hey queen, This is for when you know what you need to do but just can’t muster up the courage or strength to do it.    Lately I’ve been holding a lot of anxious energy that has been stirring within me ever since I decided that 2024 is the year I step on stage to...

Ride With Us

What if it's not as big of a fall as you think? What if the risk is barely a risk at all And taking it would take you straight home? What if after the jump you just soar instead of fall?   The fear of the unknown is paralyzing But a life spent frozen in...